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Are You What You Want to Be?

As a child, I would always wonder who I would be when I grew up (as I’m sure everyone can relate). As I got older and near the end of high school, I would always imagine what it would be like to be in college and who I would be then… What would I look like? What would I study? Would I be involved? Would I like college? I would’ve never guessed back then that I would join a sorority, as I hardly knew anything about what sororities did. But here I am, three years in at Wayne State, and it’s nothing like I could have ever imagined. I decided to go through recruitment as a freshman after only being in school for a few weeks, and when I met Delta Zeta, I fell in love with the organization and the women who embodied it. At first, I wasn’t sure how involved I wanted to be in the sorority. I figured I would come to the meetings, make some friends, do some good work in the community, and that would be it. I didn’t anticipate taking on a position, but I did right off the bat. And I loved every second of it. So much that I wanted to be a part of the executive board, so I did, and still love every second of it. In the past two years, I have grown so much. Honestly, I hardly recognize the seventeen year-old that initially enrolled in Wayne State. Remember what I said about imagining myself in college? I thought I would be outgoing and involved, but just enough that I would feel good with my college experience at graduation. I did not anticipate being a part of an organization that would make me a better person, no, the BEST person I could be. Because of Delta Zeta, I am so much more outgoing than I ever was in the past; I don’t have trouble reaching out of my comfort zone and making new friends as I once did. Because of Delta Zeta, I am not afraid to stand out in a crowd and to say what I am thinking as opposed to standing at the back, silent. Because of Delta Zeta, I have the confidence to go into a job interview and to prove that I would be an exceptional candidate for that position (I 100% credit Delta Zeta for getting me a wonderful, new job). Because of Delta Zeta, I am a much happier person overall. I have seventy beautiful sisters who have my back, just as I have theirs. I have the greatest support system I have ever known; my sisters have held my hand through everything. It’s no secret that college is hard, but it’s REALLY hard sometimes! Sometimes you work so hard, do the best you can do, and still do not achieve the results you want. Having so many people there to pick you back up and to dust you off is incredible. Because of this sorority, I have the best friends I could have ever wished for, and I know that we will still be close friends even once we have graduated. Being a part of this organization has changed my life in so many ways…all for the better! In two short years, I have learned so much. I can’t wait to see what the next two years will have to offer me. So, are you what you want to be? I can proudly say YES! Thank you, DZ!

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